Press releases and publications

EBUS MASTERCLASS with international experts

Live learning webinar via

Be part of something special and join the first international live webinar presented by PULMONOLOGY ON AIR and supported by Medi-Globe! Join us as internationally recognized experts Prof. Rocco Trisolini and Dr. Ilya Sivokozov provide exciting insights into the world of endobronchial ultrasound.

The webinar welcomes all interventional pulmonologists, GI endoscopists and thoracic surgeons, who are eager to learn more on the latest advances in performing an endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) procedure on most important pathologies, through shared best practices in a clinical setting and tips and tricks by world-renowned physicians.

Interested? Then be part of this special event!

Media contact

Stefanie Schätzler
Media Contact
Tel:  +49 8032 973-0
Fax: +49 8032 973-339
Medi-Globe-Str. 1-5
83101 Achenmühle