A Brand New Case Report: The SonoTip TopGain® FNB Needle

New needle designs have been developed for EUS guided biopsy with the aim to harvest more tissue for histology, challenging conventional aspiration needles.

Prof. Peter Vilmann,

GastroUnit, Herlev and Gentofte Hospital and Dept of Clinical Medicine, University of Copenhagen


„Nowadays, many companies produce needle assemblies for EUS-guided biopsy, but all of them copy the original device we developed together with Medi-Globe Group – a „game changer“ within endosonography and flexible endoscopy.“

The aim of this report is to share experience with the new SonoTip TopGain® FNB needle and to present examples where the bioptic results obviously showed important histological information not seen by cytology.

Media contact

Stefanie Schätzler
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