Future Germany - Future Medi-Globe Group

Medi-Globe Group featured in major German newspaper

Demographic change, artificial intelligence, digitalization, technical progress, climate protection and sustainability – these are issues that concern Germany at the beginning of the new decade.

The Medi-Globe Group also faces these challenges and is consistently geared towards addressing the upcoming changes in medicine and technology as well as in the various healthcare systems. The company follows a proven recipe for success: in close coordination with leading university clinics and institutes, products are further developed or launched as innovations worldwide.

At the beginning of the year, the Medi-Globe Group was therefore portrayed in the nationwide special edition „Zukunft Deutschland“ of the renowned Süddeutsche Zeitung as a German model company in medical technology. The 36 pages insert dealt with all of these future relevant topics and thus reached over 900,000 interested readers. You can download the full article here …

Enjoy reading and check out the

Interview with CEO Martin Lehner

Media contact

Stefanie Schätzler
Media Contact
Tel:  +49 8032 973-0
Fax: +49 8032 973-339
E-Mail: press@medi-globe.de
Medi-Globe-Str. 1-5
83101 Achenmühle